• Plant IoT is a compact device designed with advanced technology to monitor and assess the health and performance of industrial equipment.
  • Equipped with sensors and connected to cloud, the device captures real-time data on various parameters, such as temperature, vibration, pressure, power consumption, material stock, stagging material area status etc.
  • It leverages power of IIoT technology to securely transmit the data for analysis and generates actionable insights.

  • Plant IoT is a compact device designed with advanced technology to monitor and assess the health and performance of industrial equipment.
  • Equipped with sensors and connected to cloud, the device captures real-time data on various parameters, such as temperature, vibration, pressure, power consumption, material stock, stagging material area status etc.
  • It leverages power of IIoT technology to securely transmit the data for analysis and generates actionable insights.

  • Plant IoT enables proactive maintenance by detecting anomalies, identifying potential failures, and sending automated alerts to concerned personnel.
  • Its compact size and easy installation make it suitable for a wide range of equipment across different industries, ensuring efficient and reliable monitoring to optimize equipment performance and minimize downtime.
  • Plant IoT enables proactive maintenance by detecting anomalies, identifying potential failures, and sending automated alerts to concerned personnel.
  • Its compact size and easy installation make it suitable for a wide range of equipment across different industries, ensuring efficient and reliable monitoring to optimize equipment performance and minimize downtime.
Robust Hardware Gateway
Real-time Monitoring
Alert Notifications
User Friendly GUI
Industry Standard Enclosure
OTA upgrades
Historical Analytics
Secured Login
Cloud Authentication
Mobile Application for Appstore and Android Play store
Easy integration with PTC Thingworx and MES systems
Robust Hardware Gateway
Real-time Monitoring
Alert Notifications
User Friendly GUI
Industry Standard Enclosure
OTA upgrades
Historical Analytics
Secured Login
Cloud Authentication
Mobile Application for Appstore and Android Play store
Easy integration with PTC Thingworx and MES systems
How Plant IoT can enable Operational Enhancement?
How Plant IoT can enable Operational Enhancement?
Proactive Maintenance
Cost Optimization
Remote Access and Scalability 
Improved Equipment Effectiveness
Equipment Reliability and Longevity
Improved Safety and Risk Mitigation
Minimize Unplanned Downtime
Proactive Maintenance
Cost Optimization
Remote Access and Scalability 
Improved Equipment Effectiveness
Equipment Reliability and Longevity
Improved Safety and Risk Mitigation
Minimize Unplanned Downtime
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