
Implemented a comprehensive monitoring platform, resulting in improved efficiency and cost management.


Empowering a Pre-School with Innovative Tech Solutions to enable a Seamless Educational Experience.


Simplified vehicle rental experience, thereby satisfying the wanderlust requirements of the travelers.


Enabling configuration and management of multiple T&M devices using a single software platform.


Empowering Gaming and Entertainment Industry with Innovative Back-end Solutions.


Addressed a client's cable testing challenges in the Test & Measurement industry by leveraging the power of the cloud.


Transformed a fintech company's financial advice process by implementing a web and mobile based application.


Revolutionized data center safety by implementing end-to-end solution that measures PoE cable parameters.


Helped take productivity, accuracy and Downtime to a new level for an Italy based Automotive Part Manufacturer. 


Enhanced bottling line efficiency by implementing Automated Production Reporting System across geographically diverse locations


Improved Mortality rates of Newborns in undeveloped nations leveraging an Innovative Incubator Technology.


Automation system that remotely monitors device health, achieving optimized production efficiency by proactively identifying issues


Monitor the production and usage for biogas to increase Market Reach and Rural Awareness for Energy Consumption using Biogas


Enabled a New York based Clinical Laboratory to manage specimen collections digitally to improve their operational efficiency.


Assisted an Infrastructure development firm streamline quality check processes and boost operational efficiency, resulting in significant cost savings


Automatic Storage Reporting System (ASRS) decreased pallet rejection rates and increased efficiency for a Fortune 500 Warehouse Management company


Experience streamlined testing and measurement with Arastu Systems customized embedded services, featuring meticulously analyzed network testing parameters


Leveraging Remote Monitoring Arastu Systems team of software and embedded experts prevent overheating issues for Cold Storage and Electric Panel Devices

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