Problem Statement

A Fortune 500 Food & Beverage Manufacturing Company processes measured their SLE’s by maintaining a Manual Log approach which led to increased Downtime during stoppages and Machine Failure.

This further led to increased Shift Time, Worker Dissatisfaction, Communication Gap between multiple shifts and Increased Production Losses

Decreased Mechanical Downtime by 28%
Reduced Electrical Downtime by 22%
Increased Accuracy for Breakdown & Stoppage information
Increased availability of Machines, Equipment & People
How Arastu Systems helped?
  • Ideation and Roadmap of an IIoT Solution
  • Designed data collection Sensor Network and IoT Gateway, Services for connectivity management
  • Customized Machine Gateway to securely push data on cloud
  • Developed Mobile and Web application for Line Supervisor & Management with real time operational dashboard
  • Derived Analytics for Line Efficiency (LE), Machine Efficiency (ME), Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF), Mean time to Recover (MTTR), Downtime Analysis, Time Series, Failure Event Analysis
  • Production Downtime Root Cause Analysis and Action
  • Cloud based scalable and fault tolerant architecture
  • Secured Communication, OATH2 base Authentication
  • Multiple levels of access to view multiple Production Lines on the Floor
  • Machine Efficiency and System Line Efficiency Monitoring
  • Real-time Remote Monitoring & Alert Notification
Technology Utilized
  • Banner Photoelectric Sensors and Gateway integration
  • NodeJS based Edge Software on Raspberry Pi based Gateway
  • Mobile and JavaScript based Web UI Platform
  • Rest API & MQTT Protocol

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