Problem Statement

A client in the Test & Measurement industry faced challenge regarding their existing device management software.

Their original software could only connect and manage a single device, limiting their efficiency and scalability.

They sought a solution that would enable the configuration and management of multiple devices using a single software platform.

Enhanced efficiency and scalability with seamless management of multiple devices.
Customizable device parameters for optimized performance.
Improved data analysis and identification of testing failures.
Streamlined Testing & Product Release Processes
How Arastu Systems helped?
  • Implemented a Robust Device Management Software
  • Comprehensive implementation approach
  • Support for multiple devices
  • Support for 32-bit & 64-bit Device environments
  • Rich & interactive user interface, enhancing the overall engagement experience
  • Seamless connection and simultaneous management of multiple devices
  • Flexible parameter configuration module that allowed users to customize and optimize various parameters specific to each device, ensuring optimal performance
  • Streamlined testing operations by allowing customer commands and tests within the software
  • Dashboard analytics for insightful data comparison
Technology Utilized
  • Desktop Applications
  • WPF ( Windows Presentation Foundation)
  • API to integrate with Third Parth test suite applications
Technology Utilized
  • Desktop Applications
  • WPF ( Windows Presentation Foundation)
  • API to integrate with Third Parth test suite applications

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