Problem Statement

A Social Enterprise developed Renewable Energy Solutions, i.e. Biogas Plants in Rural Areas, thereby solving energy needs in rural areas. They were looking for a solution to monitor the production and usage for biogas for analytical purpose. The idea was to capture scientific data to increase Market Reach and Rural Awareness for Energy Consumption using Biogas.

Decreased Carbon Foot-Print
Increased Awareness for Biogas Consumption
Reduced Challenges that decreased day on day Biogas Usage
How Arastu Systems helped?
  • Feasibility Study to analyze Connectivity & Range
  • Implemented a solution using Sensor Network with Gateway and Arastu’s Cloud Services
  • Responsive and User-Friendly Web based Dashboard
  • Real-Time Analytics to monitor consumption Daily, Weekly, Monthly and Yearly
  • Geo-Location tagging for online and offline device, based on GPS location of gateway
  • Predictive Analytics for Green-House Gas Reduction, Slurry Production and Waste Utilization
  • GSM based connectivity in rural areas for optimal usage.
  • Real-Time Status for consumption of the produced cooking gas through maps
  • Widgets for Green Monitoring which thereby empower CO2 Reduction
  • Tracking waste utilization for Effective Waste Management
  • Secured Communication, OATH2 base Authentication
  • Cloud based Scalable and fault tolerant Architecture
Technology Utilized
  • Zigbee stack to enable Mesh Connectivity
  • C language
  • MsSQL

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